This is the area of my own health that initiated me into the world of naturopathic and nutritional medicine and so it holds such a dear place in my heart. Out of all areas in the body that benefits from a naturopathic approach, gut optimisation has the most far reaching benefits and, for so many, absolute life-changing responses to treatment. 

A daily bowel motion is my first point of call with anyone I work with. Without clearing our bowels daily, we are privy to increased gut symptoms (like bloating), imbalanced hormones, weight loss barriers, skin issues and most anything really. So, number one daily bowel motion. Constipation issues are remedied so beautifully with naturopathic medicine. I ordinarily find only one appointment is needed for this, unless we have a really resistant case.

Other gut issues, like loose stools, urgency, cramping pain, reflux and indigestion, lack of hunger etc are all areas I work with regularly. A lot of the time, I can pinpoint specifically what needs to be targeted for any one individual. However, if gut symptoms have been chronic for a long time and there are lots of things going on, I might also refer on for a comprehensive microbiome stool analysis. We now have the technology to test the entire microbiome to see everything that resides in the gut. From this, we have the most amazing map for targeted treatment. Though the cost is high for this test, time to remedying issues is shortened and so in the long run I do think it’s a money saver.

Whatever route we choose, we also have more comprehensive testing in our back pocket. Starting with specific supports for what’s presenting by initiating dietary changes, addressing other systems that might play a role (i.e. stress systems) and implementing a supplement regime to start modulating the microbiome (fancy term for changing the bacterial flora in our gut and its environment toward a more healthful state). 

What I also find so fascinating about the gut it’s how ‘all disease begins in the gut’. When I have someone present to me in clinic who has widespread inflammation, chronic pain, or autoimmune conditions (for example), I like to understand what role the gut is playing here (as ordinarily there is at least some interplay from the gut). In this way, it’s time for me to put my detective hat on and discover the root cause.

If you’re feeling the call, I’d love to see you in clinic. To commence our journey together, book an initial consultation here.